Regulated broker

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Dubai Financial Services Authority

It is the financial regulator of Dubai. It oversees a diverse range of financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies, investment funds and others. Its aim is to ensure stability and transparency in financial transactions.


Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission

This is the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission. It is the official regulator of the financial markets on the island of Cyprus and one of the key bodies in the European Union's financial regulation.


Financial Conduct Authority

Это сокращение обозначает “Финансовый мониторинг и контроль”. Это ключевой финансовый орган в Великобритании, обязанный осуществлять контроль и регулирование финансовых рынков и компаний в стране.


Australian Securities and Investments Commission

It is the financial regulator that oversees the activities and transparency of money transactions of organisations located in the region of Australia. It is the body responsible for conducting the work of many financial companies.
